Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Starfish Flinger

As the old man walked the beach at dawn, he noticed a young man ahead of him picking upstarfish and flinging them into the sea.

Finally catching up with the youth, he asked him why he was doing this. The answer was that the strandedstarfish would die if left until the morning sun.

"But the beach goes on for miles and there aremillions of starfish," countered the other."How can your effort make any difference?"

The young man looked at the starfish in hishand and then threw it safely in the waves.
"It makes a difference to this one," he said.

from poet & author Loren Eisley

Don't doubt for a moment that you can't make a difference in even one person's life. And if you make a difference in even one person's life, it matters to them. Who knows what difference they may make in the lives of others. ~mindy

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let's see how far we've come

In 2 days I will have completed my first month as a Child & Family Specialist. It is still weird to me not to be at More Than A Teacher and I am sad over the contacts I have lost there.

The last month has been nothing short of stressful, hectic, wonderful, scary, and demanding. I have been under spiritual attack like it's nobody's business, and I have also met some amazing people.

I really thought since I had a "real" job that I had arrived. Oh what's that proverb? Pride comes before a fall? Yeah. The Lord has used the last couple of weeks to remind me that, no, I have not arrived. Yes, He still has work to do on me. And yes, He is still doing said work.

I guess I'm trying to let go of finding out where I fit in in this world. I know that sounds crazy. But I am trying to relax. Yeah. Relax. Fear is nothing more than a lack of faith.....