When we last left off, I was standing in the parking lot at Zilker Park, lamenting the fact that I had messed up one of the most precious moments of fifth grade...
1:45p (this one is long, but hang with it) – I hide an empty treasure box and go to profusely apologize to my parents and students. On the way I call Amy D. and to find that she is on her way to the school for a meeting. She makes a detour to my room where she gets an extra treasure box (Divine Intervention that I had 2 parents bring boxes) and she puts the letters in it and leaves it in the middle of my room.
My parents are MORE than gracious when I tell them of my SNAFU. We gather the troops, and head off in search of the treasure. At this point I realize I have LOST my car keys. I do not mention this at the time since it did not seem prudent to show my parents that I had apparently lost all sense that day as well. We get to the pomegranate tree in which I hit the empty treasure box, and one of my kids yells “I found the treasure! It’s car keys!”. I’ll take those, thank you. All of my chaperones lost it laughing at this point. The kids finally find the empty box and just before I can launch into a discussion about how Christ is our treasure and nothing on earth can compare, one of my sweet, sweet boys says “It’s the Holy Ghost! God’s our treasure!” Amazed at how the Lord worked that afternoon.
We then spin the story that pirates have stolen our treasure and we must persevere to find it. As we march down the hill, one of my dad’s tells my kids “I need 2 of you to hold Mrs. Dixon’s hands. We need to be sure she makes it to her car.” Love it.
We head back to the classroom to find that Amy has made it in time and treasure letters are intact. Praise God!
2:35p – My kids write some sweet letters to their parents, and 2 of them even wrote me letters thanking me for the day and offering prayers to get well before the trip. This is why I heart my job!
3:05 – I sprint out of my classroom to get home in search of the Driver’s License. It was in the second pair of pants I searched.
To God be the glory for the whole day! Whether Satan was on the war path, or it was simply my humanity, I’m not sure. But what I AM sure of is the joy of the Lord was my strength, and that joy was not stolen through all of my misadventures.