Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am thankful for Sabbaths. I am thankful for time away. It's hard to get quiet and still. But it is so good!

We had a great time with the Andreanos. We caught up on each others' lives...the good, the bad, and the beautiful. We also spent time exploring the quaint square in Wimberley.

Hanging out in the small park on the creek that runs through town.

Being silly in front of a little church in town :-)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Andreano-Dixon Marriage Retreat 2011

What: Time away and unplugged from the world.
Why: To pour into our friendships, marriages, and relationships with Jesus.
Where: Cozy, cabin on one of Central Texas's myriad waterways.
When: NOW!

We'll be plugged back in by 11am Sunday. Peace.

 This isn't where we are but I wanted a visual...ironically enough, when I searched "Central Texas Lakes Images" this was the best one...and it's from some drug rehab site. We are not in rehab this weekend. :-)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jesus In Every Book of the Bible

Taken from the blog "Radical Discipleship" but the video is the YouTube link.

The words of his script are below. Whether you have been walking with Jesus for years, just trusted Him yesterday, or don't have a relationship with Him at all, I hope you will watch this in its entirety.


What a beautiful day! My morning started with time in Hebrews with good friends, waffles by Claire V., coffee from one of my moms, and my students having ALL done ALL of their homework!

I am blessed! Please pray for Clay today. He has his first presentation as he works towards his teaching certification.

Also, if you have not yet listened to the sermon series on Heaven and Hell, do your soul some good and start it today. If you aren't longing for Heaven and the Lord's presence, you will be by the time you are done!


The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 1:3 Thank you, Jesus, for sustaining me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today I started a study of Hebrews with some wonderful friends at school. It has been much too long since I have been in a systematic study of the Word with others who can spur me on and offer their insights.