In the opening lines of I Corinthians, Paul explains why he is still working with a church that has essentially rejected him, by telling them that he is "a called apostle, by the will of God".
This morning we talked about the word "calling" and how our reactions should not be based on our perceived circumstances but on what God has called us to. If He hasn't given you your "call" yet, then wait, and realize that what you are doing while you are waiting is what you are currently "called" to do.
In the last few weeks I have been slowly realizing, and even more slowly accepting, that God is calling me to be still at More Than A Teacher, and work there every day as though I were working for Him, not for man.
This has been hard for me to accept for one reason....the root of all sin....PRIDE. I think that I have been given higher training, and have more capabilities than to answer phones and take messages. Granted, I do a LOT more than that at MTAT, but in light of 7 years of higher education culminating in a Master's degree, I was really getting frustrated that God wasn't opening more doors for me to "do something" with my life.
But I am doing something. First of all, there is merit in what I do at MTAT. I have the opportunity to be light not only to our customers, but my co-workers. Instead of thinking "Man, I have to go to work today" I should be thinking "Who can I bless today?".
All of that is to say, no matter where you ARE, what you ARE doing, where you think you SHOULD be, or what you think you SHOULD be doing, God is well aware of where you are, and He has allowed, if not ordained it, for this season in your life. How sweet it is to rest in total trust of Him and His soverienty. It's much nicer than fighting against it I can tell you from experience!
I challenge you (as Matt challenged us this morning) to take I Corinthians 1:1 and insert your name and your role. Mindy Clow, called office manager, by the will of God. It is not a mistake.
In my humanity I have completely butchered Matt's sermon. It's really worth a listen, especially if you find yourself frustrated or discontent in your current circumstances....whether it be a work situation, a relationship, or life in general. You can access the sermon online by clicking the picture ------>
Reading over your last 4 or so blog posts gives me the impression that God is bringing some freshness to you. I hope that is the case as that is what we always need. I miss you my friend and wish Texas were not quite so big!