In 2 days I will have completed my first month as a Child & Family Specialist. It is still weird to me not to be at More Than A Teacher and I am sad over the contacts I have lost there.
The last month has been nothing short of stressful, hectic, wonderful, scary, and demanding. I have been under spiritual attack like it's nobody's business, and I have also met some amazing people.
I really thought since I had a "real" job that I had arrived. Oh what's that proverb? Pride comes before a fall? Yeah. The Lord has used the last couple of weeks to remind me that, no, I have not arrived. Yes, He still has work to do on me. And yes, He is still doing said work.
I guess I'm trying to let go of finding out where I fit in in this world. I know that sounds crazy. But I am trying to relax. Yeah. Relax. Fear is nothing more than a lack of faith.....
"Fear is nothing more than a lack of faith..." - good quote ;)