Africa New Life is a Rwandan run ministry that is striving to empower Rwandan youth. There is so much I love about this organization. The following are my observations, and unless cited by ANLM's website not the exact words of the organization.

First, the founder is Rwandan. Pastor Charles grew up in Uganda after his family escaped the first genocide in 1959, but he returned to his home country in 1995. You can read more about his calling to serve Rwanda by clicking
here. So what's the big deal about the founder being Rwandan? Well, he knows what Rwanda needs, and knows how to provide that without compromising the culture.
The Mission Statement for ANLM: Africa New Life exists to transform lives and communities through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Acts of Compassion.
I also love the way the sponsorship program is run. As much as we all want to help every child we meet, or that walks through the doors of the Street Children's Program, the fact of the matter is, not every child is a good candidate for sponsorship.

Africa New Life requires a testing period of approximately a year to determine if a child (and his/her family) is a good fit for sponsorship. The child (and family) need to show a desire to rise above their circumstances by attending school and church regularly. It may sound callous to not accept every child possible into the program, but it is really a way to be good stewards of the money God provides through sponsors. This population tends to be extremely transient, and may or may not stay enrolled in school even with funds. By spending nearly a year with a child before offering sponsorship, it ensures ANLM that the child is going to stay in the area, and funds can be used appropriately. When you choose to sponsor a child or university student you can trust that ANLM is working with him or her regularly. If you are interested in sponsoring a child please click
Not really lastly, but lastly for the purpose of this blog, I love that ANLM doesn't have Americans on the ground in Rwanda permanently.

They truly have a partnership with Americans and American churches, but the Rwandans (and Kenyans and Ugandans) are the ones who work with the kids and families day in and day out. 160 Africans are employed there, with only about 6 counterparts stateside. The local church is being built up and equipped, and they don't look like little American churches.
Clay and I are blessed and excited to partner with this ministry.

We can't wait to see how God continues to use it to transform Rwanda and her people. We are both looking forward to the day we can return.
Photo captions -
Top: Sponsored children at a party in Kageyo
Middle: Some of our awesome translators/ANLM staff
Bottom: Clay with our sponsored child, Sarah in Kayonza
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